Who are we ?
Our partners
Our commitment to 3 preferred partners

Historic collaboration with this international solidarity NGO whose goal is to improve the living conditions of the poorest populations through projects giving them access to electricity and water, making access to electricity a lever of human and economic development.

In 2010, GIMELEC was the first professional French trades association to sign up to the Global Pact in support of the principles of respect for human rights, workers rights, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

GIMELEC has been affiliated to the French Federation of Electrical, Electronics and Communications Industries since its creation, to bring together companies in the electrotechnology sector.
Our strategic partners in energy and digital transition

GIMELEC is a founding member of the AIF, which aims to support businesses towards a connected, optimized and creative industry.

French association of law 1901 bringing together players in the digital sector who are committed to green IT. GIMELEC is a member of the AGIT association.

GIMELEC is a member of the Board of Directors of the Technical Energy Environment Association whose task is to advance energy control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

This European Cluster joined GIMELEC in 2019 to promote the cybersecurity of industrial and urban systems

Media for sustainable buildings & cities

Enedis est le gestionnaire du réseau public d’électricité en France : anciennement ERDF (suite à la scission d’EDF) c’est Enedis qui assure la distribution de la basse tension auprès des abonnés.

Enerplan, the French Professional Trades Association for Solar Energy is an associate member of GIMELEC. Together, Enerplan and GIMELEC work to roll out new low-carbon and decentralised energy systems.

Brings together the entire data centre sector to promote its interests, contribute to its development and enhance French digital autonomy. GIMELEC is a member of the Board of Directors of France Datacenter.

Réunissant plus de 460 membres, France Hydrogène fédère les acteurs de la filière française de l’hydrogène structurés sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur : des grands groupes industriels développant des projets d’envergure, des PME-PMI et start-ups innovantes soutenues par des laboratoires et centres de recherche d’excellence, des associations, pôles de compétitivités et des collectivités territoriales mobilisés pour le déploiement de solutions hydrogène.

GIMELEC works with the French Institute for Building Performance to register buildings for ambitious energy and ecological transition.

GIMELEC is committed to this association whose goal is to support the growth of French SMEs

Represents the French Smart Electrical Network sector and promotes it in France and internationally. GIMELEC is a member of the Think Smartgrids association.

Le GIMELEC soutient le fonds industrie du futur de Yotta Capital Partners, société de gestion en capital-investissement.
Our partners for the circular economy :

Eco-organisation accredited for the collection, depollution and recycling of household waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), lamps, professional WEEE and small fire extinguishers.

Le GIMELEC est membre de l’Institut National de l’économie circulaire

Franco-German Office for Energy Transition of which GIMELEC is member

Develop at international level the PEP ecopassport® environmental declaration Programme for environmental declarations of products from the electric, electronic and heating and cooling industries. GIMELEC is a founder member.

The PEXE network endeavours to structure and develop the French eco-enterprise, small to medium and intermediate-size business sector. GIMELEC is a member of the PEXE Board of Directors.

Screlec is a state-approved non-profit eco-organisation in two sectors with extended producer responsibility (EPR): Batteries, accumulators and professional printer cartridges. GIMELEC is a Screlec shareholder and member of its Board of Directors.
Our partners in standardisation, certification and other technological reference systems

GIMELEC is a leading player in standardisation in France and internationally and a member of AFNOR’s Board of Directors

Switchgear certification

European committee for electrotechnical standardisation

GIMELEC is a founder member of the French Committee of CIGRE, the International Council on Large Electric Systems and acts as its secretariat.

International Electrotechnical Commission

Electricity, electronics and information and communication technology company

GIMELEC is a member of the Universcience Partners Association, a laboratory of ideas between public research institutions, science centres and museums, as well as companies, to better promote and disseminate scientific and technological culture.

GIMELEC is the President of Technical Union of Electricity which brings together the main stakeholders representing French interests in the field of electrotechnical standardisation
Our partners for Europe

GIMELEC is a founder member of CAPIEL, the European coordinating Committee of manufacturers of electrical switchgear and controlgear and acts as its General Secretariat.

GIMELEC is a founder member of CEMEP, the European Committee of Manufacturers of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics

EUROPGEN est une organisation transfrontalière enregistrée en tant qu’organisation officielle de lobbying dans l’UE. Elle rassemble les entreprises et les associations professionnelles les plus importantes d’Europe afin de constituer une voix puissante et unifiée pour l’industrie européenne des groupes électrogènes.

Orgalim represents innovative companies spanning the mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and electronics, and metal technology branches.

GIMELEC is a founder member of the executive committee of T&D Europe, the European association of the electricity transmission and distribution equipment and services industry.

Relation franco-allemande avec le ZVEI – Automation
Nos partenaires pour la formation et l'enseignement

Partenariat de référence sur la formation en cybersécurité – Plus qu’une école de cybersécurité, la CSB.SCHOOL est le reflet d’une entreprise 4.0 avec le même équipement et une technologie de pointe
Our exhibition partners

GL Events for the Smart Industries section of the Global Industry exhibition

REED Expositions for the Construction Tech® section of Batimat
Construction Tech

Partenaire de l’évènement leader mondial de l’hydrogène

Le salon des spécialistes de la mesure