Who are we ?Our history

GIMELEC was founded in 1971 under the name GIMEE and has a long and rich history, as it was originally derived from the French Professional Union of Electrical Industries – SPIE (1879).
SPIE brought together all the professions related to electricity, equipment manufacturers and electricity producers.
It organised professional bodies, gave lectures on electricity, prepared for the International Electricity Exhibition in 1881 and then actively participated in the Universal Expositions in Paris.
Creation of SGCE
The Syndicat Général de la Construction Electrique (French general electrical building trades association) combined all the electrical equipment manufacturers unions and SPIE disappeared.
Creation of GMEE
Group of electrical equipment manufacturers trades associations, GIMEE’s direct ancestor.

Creation of GIMEE
Nine of the twelve GMEE associations merge to form a single structure, the Trade Union Group of Electrical Equipment Industries, based on three main categories of activities: electrification, equipment and automated control systems, components.
Creation of FIEE
Born from the merger of SGCE and FNIE (National Federation of Electronics Industries). The merger took place in a context of interpenetration in the field of electrical engineering and electronics.
The electrical and associated industrial electronics equipment industries association was created in a context of strong growth in industrial electronics in electrotechnical equipment, industrial process automation, energy management and LV electrical installations.
To support the European construction industry, GIMELEC strengthened European professional coordination bodies with COTREL (transformers), CAPIEL (high and low voltage switchgear), EUROPGEN (generating sets), CEMEP (electric rotating machines and power electronics). GIMELEC created GIIPRA (automated control systems and robotics) in 1984.

Creation of ELEC
With the ELEC trade fair, ELEC PROMOTION, a subsidiary of GIMELEC, organised the first international ELEC exhibition of electrical equipment that took place every two years until 2004. ELEC was the profession’s second largest European exhibition after the Hanover Trade Fair.

Creation of the FIEEC
The FIEE merged with the Communication Industries and became FIEEC. GIMELEC became affiliated to the FIEEC.

New logo
GIMELEC acquired a new logo to which the slogan “Manufacturers at the service of smart energy” was added in 2010, highlighting the profession’s commitment to energy transition.

Energy efficiency
GIMELEC was tasked by the Government to set up and lead the Strategic Committee for the energy efficiency sector.
Reference publications
Publications appeared regularly throughout the year: “Sectoral CSR reporting guide”, “Industry 4.0 The Connected Plant”.
The advent of digital technologies
The Data Center Market Committee was added to GIMELEC’s Energy, Buildings and Industry Committees.
Publication of the “Industry 4.0; transformation levers” handbook
A strategy of alliances and sectors
GIMELEC is a founder member of the Alliance for the Industry of the Future and of Think Smartgrids, two alliances arising from the work of the National Industry Council. It participated in the creation of the Smart Industries trade fair to be held three years later at Global Industry, the main French industry exhibition.
GIMELEC signed the Energy Efficiency industry contract with ministers Ségolène ROYAL and Emmanuel MACRON.

Self-consumption in question
GIMELEC became a partner in the 1st national conference dedicated to photovoltaic self-consumption organised by Enerplan.
Data at the heart of transitions
Publication of the third issue of the Data Revolution at the heart of the industry of the future.
Signature of the Charter of Connected Building, Solidarity and Human Building launched by the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion.
GIMELEC contributed to the European Policy “Better grids for clean energy” event organised by T&D Europe
Digital technology at GIMELEC
New profiles of companies offering digital solutions were added to the list of GIMELEC members.
Launch of Think Tank S3P – Smart, Secure & Sustainable Power
New identity
GIMELEC acquires a new graphic identity reflecting its positioning at the convergence of electrons and bytes and asserts itself as the French electrical and digital equipment sector group of companies, with the slogan “We are boosting energies”. It confirms and promotes its three main missions: sector leader, custodian of its members’ positions, promoter of the circular economy. The SMART UP event on 3 June 2019 opens up a new chapter in GIMELEC’s long history.