We bring electrical and digital innovation to connected buildings, thereby playing an instrumental part in energy transition and providing the best services for their occupants.

Olivier Delépine, Present of GIMELEC's GIMELEC BUILDINGS committee

As a leading player in energy transition, we at GIMELEC BUILDINGS deliver electrical and digital innovation for connected buildings.

Our challenges

Key player in smart building

With its members in the electrical and digital equipment sector, GIMELEC is a leading player in the smart building industry. Its challenge is to make building both an energy transition accelerator and a producer of high-value services for occupants, operators and owners.

Our missions

Building, a vector for progress in terms of ecological footprint

GIMELEC’s objective is to:

  • Make buildings more efficient both in terms of use (efficiency, comfort, safety) and from an ecological point of view
  • Encourage innovation and the digital transformation of the Building sector in close collaboration with our partners
  • Accelerate energy transition and promote renewable energies, self-consumption or electro-mobility through the deployment of virtuous technological solutions for active management, energy flexibility, electric vehicle charging, etc.
Feuille de route

Le bâtiment, acteur de la transition écologique

Concrètement, la feuille de route 2024 2025 porte les priorités suivantes :

  • faciliter le passage à l’action dans les bâtiments pour leur mise en conformité avec le Décret BACS d’ici 2025 (ou 2027 selon les types de bâtiments)
  • réunir les conditions économiques et techniques pour le déploiement de la flexibilité énergétique dans les bâtiments
  • préparer le déploiement massif des nouveaux usages dans les bâtiments : la recharge de véhicule électrique, les PAC, le stockage, les ENR

Le GIMELEC travaille sur ces sujets en filière avec ses partenaires, dans un esprit d’ouverture et de synergies positives.

Our actions & achievements


our daily time in buildings


"digital ready" buildings in the electrical and digital equipment sector


energy consumption. Building, a leading player in energy transition

Our partners

See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website
See the website


GIMELEC and its partners are very involved at national and European levels in the most important regulatory and normative work:
in the most important European regulatory and normative work:

  • Transposition of the European Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD) Directive and preparation of a Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI)
  • Preparation in France of the next 2020 Environmental Regulations (RE2020), in particular as part of the E+C- experiment
  • The draft ELAN law, its tertiary decree and the draft ESSOC law
  • Review of NF EN 15-232 on the energy efficiency of buildings


GIMELEC also works through standardisation to promote energy management, harmonised data formats and the development of Building Information Modeling (BIM).