Promoter of the circular economy

GIMELEC mobilizes for sustainable and shared growth
As members of the Circular Economy Committees, we want to develop models for sustainable and shared growth.
Reduce our consumption of energy and materials
Energy efficiency is in our DNA and an essential part of the circular economy!
Promoting the preservation of resources and intelligent economic models adapted to local and future needs is a major challenge for our industry.
Encourage and promote responsible practices
Our companies offer economical solutions that enable their customers to control their consumption thanks to sustainable, maintainable equipment whose end of life is controlled.
GIMELEC’s commitment to reducing the environmental footprint covers the entire life cycle of equipment. In this respect, we advocate an integrated approach to “”energy”” and “”resources”” regulations to ensure full control of the environmental impact of products and systems during production, operation and end of life.
We contribute to France’s circular economic strategy by promoting and developing the profession’s best practices in sustainable production and consumption. Support for the development of maintenance and repair activities in France also generates value for employment and skills development.
Our sustainable development strategy is therefore designed to be integrated as a real performance lever for the benefit of all.
Our actions & achievements
Product Environmental Profiles (PEP) submitted during the first quarter of 2019
year of GIMELEC's signing of the United Nations Global Compact, which has since been renewed
61 699
tonnes of professional WEEE* treated in 2017, an increase of 11.6% compared to 2016 (all categories combined)

Le GIMELEC réitère son engagement pour le Global Compact des Nations Unies
Depuis 2010, le GIMELEC est engagé auprès de l’initiative de responsabilité sociétale du Global Compact des Nations Unies et de ses 10 principes autour des droits de l’Homme, des normes du travail, de l’environnement et de la lutte contre la corruption. Pour la 3e fois, le groupement réitère son engagement.

Circular economy support portal
This tool is designed for economic players and is an initiative of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition as part of the Government's circular economy roadmap.

Circular economy, our second nature. Play EC!
The Play EC approach, supported by GIMELEC members, is based on five main lines of action to develop new, more circular models.