Six reasons for being
a GIMELEC member
Being a member of GIMELEC means belonging to a network that is known and recognised by your peers and by the French and European public authorities. It means working collectively to ensure that the development of regulations and laws take into account the challenges of the electrical and digital equipment sector.
Through GIMELEC, members can access AFNOR and CENELEC at European level and IEC at international level at reduced costs. They can therefore have a significant influence on the drafting of norms and standards thanks to GIMELEC.
Such technical monitoring allows companies to adapt and optimise their products accordingly. They can develop their markets collectively in France and internationally.
GIMELEC’s topic-based groups work together to develop reference systems, guides, good practices, white papers, position papers, indicators and studies.
Developed in strict conformity with the principles of compliance, these documents are a reference and benefit both members and the entire industry. GIMELEC acts as a referent for the electrical and digital equipment sector.
In a circular economy and digital transformation approach, GIMELEC’s positions and activities are designing new, more efficient and more sustainable energy and industry models.
The members are active contributors. GIMELEC plays its role as a promoter of energy, digital and ecological transitions.
GIMELEC has about twenty employees with an extensive knowledge of the electrical and digital equipment industry from which they may be drawn, who maintain a close, confidential relationship with their members, to whom they are able to submit suggestions to promote their interests.
GIMELEC is working with partners to strengthen and promote its positions.
As a member, a company has the advantage of the support of a qualified network of professionals who are keen to bring electrical and digital intelligence to the heart of energy and digital infrastructures, industry, buildings and electromobility.