ISO 50001 certification: a virtuous economic alternative to energy audits

“Companies with more than 250 employees, a turnover of 50 million euros and a balance sheet of 43 million euros, European Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency and law DDADUE 2013-619 require mandatory energy audits to be carried out every four years from December 2015. This audit, conducted in accordance with the regulations, should make it possible to identify ways of saving energy and quantify their return on investment. The 2019 audit must cover at least 80% of the company’s energy consumption as opposed to 65% in 2015 and comply with EN 16 247. It will cost a medium-sized company around €15,000
Did you know? Committing your company to an ISO 50001 approach exempts you from this energy audit requirement. In addition, it allows you to invest in energy saving on a long-term basis.